Banking and finance have been replaced as China’s top white collar jobs. The first quarter of 2017 shows jobs relating to e-commerce and the internet has taken this spot. Programmers and engineers are internet related, but not the top positions sought after. A cybersecurity specialist is the hottest job position, whose coding skills are vital to protecting businesses against cyber extortionists and hackers. Another name for this group of skilled workers can be “cyber bodyguards.” Jobs Across The World can be a great resource for finding jobs.
These positions receive five percentage points more in pay than other jobs in the technology field. Simon Lance, Hays’ Greater China managing director, said, “We have seen an increase in permanent demand for security experts across a range of clients, with analysts and architects, cyber threat intelligence analysts, consultants and cyber incident analysts being the most in demand.” If this field is your expertise, contact Jobs Across The World to find the right employer for you.
The heavy demand for these positions is expected to continue. On June 1, 2017, a new law took effect that pushes the need for top skilled talent to keep up with China’s legal climate. The universities in China are not graduating programmers and software engineers with enough speed to fill the open positions. This puts a premium on the salaries. Applicants with three to five years’ experience are the most in demand. To be competitive in the field, candidates can receive industry certificates.
The demand for skilled workers differs, depending on the company’s unique risk portrait. Financial institutions deal with customers’ information leaking, while manufacturers are more concentrated on the incorruptibility of their IT infrastructure. Internet firms are in need of data protection. If you are willing to relocate for the right job, contact Jobs Across The World to submit your resume. They will help match you with a compatible employer.
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