Employees from companies around the world were surveyed by Fortune partner Great Place to Work in order to find the best workplaces. The top companies were found to focus on culture as business leverage by putting employees first. They remain at the top of the curve by constantly innovating culture to meet the ever-changing demands of technology, work, and the marketplace. If you are looking for a top company to work for, contact Jobs Across the World. They will match your skill set with the perfect opportunity. It does not matter where the company is located or where you call home. All international applications are accepted.
Salesforce, based in San Francisco, ranked number one. They have a workforce of 32,000 employees. Hilton, a company in the hospitality industry, ranks number two according to the survey. Employees say they embody the hospitality shown to guests. The leaders are accessible and approachable. Ranked number three, Mars, Inc., has a one-of-a-kind work environment. Employees are welcomed to bring pets to work and everyone is like family, according to employees. Intuit, Inc., an information tech company with close to 9,000 employees, ranked fourth on the survey. They also rank very high in Australia, Canada, France, and India. Headquartered in Switzerland, The Adecco Group employees said that it is easy to balance their private and professional life, due to the culture of family at the company. Contact JobsAWorld to find the perfect job you deserve. They will update you on open positions as they become available.
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